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Green Foody : Indonesian Food Waste Bank

Green Foody : Indonesian Food Waste Bank

"Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Brundtland Commission in 1987
Sacrifice to the environment due to economic development will lead to negative Impacts on the environment in the future. In fact, the purpose of the development is to meet the needs of life in the form of welfare that extend to a variety of social problems such as poverty, unemployment and inequality without harming future generations as stated by the Brundtland Commission in 1987: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
As the world population grows, the need for more available, affordable, safe and sufficient food is increasing. Globally, as the middle class rises in developing countries like Indonesia, buying capability to food is increasing. Because of that, the new problem is appear, there are many food wastes. Social inequality is quite striking is indicated by 1.3 billion tons of food are not consumed and threw to the rubbish and on other hand 868 million people are starving.
The problem about food waste will give a negative effect to the environment like water pollution, water pollution, etc. Because of those problems, it needs an alternative solution that can utilize the food wastes into something useful, which is a green products. Green Chemistry is a similar approach, more species related to chemical use (and related processes) It aims to reduce waste, Eliminate end - of-the -pipe treatment, result in safer products and have reduced use of energy and resources ( EPA , 2008)
Food waste is an unappetizing problem. It involves the entire food chain, from farmers and manufacturers right down to Supermarkets, Restaurants and consumers. Though they are linked, one level does not care much about the other. Waste from food waste in anaerobic technology is the most effective alternative both economically and environmentally. This technology maximizes recycling and recovery of waste components, in the form of biogas as an energy source, digestat for soil quality improvement and leachate that can serve as liquid fertilizer.
Anaerobic technology has been applied for the treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater either with or without suspended solids. Therefore, this technology also has the potential to be applied to solid waste management, especially agricultural biomass / agro-industry and the organic fraction. The food wastes has very high content of organic material, thus offering a large biogas production. However, there are differences in the characteristics of the material that causes the need for the adjustment process and reactor design for the performance of anaerobic treatment can take place at its optimum. Based on previous research on the use of food waste into biogas most effective use of the initial COD value of 10,000 mg / L, the initial value of the total N of 300 mg / L, and EM4 bio-starter addition of 1% of the total volume of slurry (Gunawan, 2010).
The main processed are hydrolysis, acidogenesis and methanogenesis. For the bioreactor composting, the raw materials were fermented for 7 days inside the 200 liters of bioreactor before being matured outside the bioreactor in a windrow pile until fully matured and ready to be used. 2:1 (w/w) ratio of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge was found to give the best initial C/N ratio for the composting process. The carbon content and the nitrogen content Decreased Increased towards the end of the composting process, which resulted in the reduction of the C/N ratio during the composting process to below 20. The low C/N ratio of the final compost product was very important as the indicator of compost maturity and stability before processed to biogas.

As the agent of change, we have an idea to launch a program that will solve this problem. The program name is " Green Foody " This program is using a point system as the indicator for food wastes . Urban community that give the most food wastes, will get certificate achievement. The mechanisms are that we will collect food wastes from urban areas and then process it into green products like green liquid smoke, green liquid pesticide, or etc. We will use bioreactor as the main machine. Our main targets is that we want to make- Bogor Become a Trendsetter about as environmentally friendly area. Beside of that, we want to increase of economical side by produce useful products from food wastes. Utilization of this food waste into energy, and can be applied to all cities around the world.-maz


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