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Economic vs Environment

What should take priority, economic or environment development?

Sacrifice to the environment due to economic development will lead to negative impacts on the environment in the future. In fact, the purpose of the development is to meet the needs of life in the form of welfare that extend to a variety of social problems such as poverty, unemployment and inequality without harming future generations as stated by the Brundtland Commission in 1987: "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ".
Old paradigm about economic development said that development is identified with efforts to increase the per capita income through investment and land industrialization. The increase in per capita income is expected to solve the issues. The paradigm leads the people and even the government to increase per capita national income in various ways, even without taking concern into long-term effects on the environment.
Development is closely related to the conversion of the farmland to industrial land. The economic development would cause a negative impact on the environment. The negative impact on the environment: losing of 195 square kilometers of tropical rain forest every day, changing 98 square kilometers of fertile land into desert, disposing 1.5 tons of toxic industrial wastes and extinction of 100 species of plants and animals due to deforestation.
The main goal of development is fixing the social problems of poverty, unemployment and social inequality. But in fact, the current economic development is quite the opposite. Social inequality between the rich and the poor is widening. Construction of luxury hotels, hospitals magnificent, luxurious shopping malls, can only be enjoyed by rich people. On the opposite side, the poor live in the midst of squalor and had to work hard just to meet their hunger.
The fast economic development provide emissions either from industry or from vehicles. Beside of making air contamination the emission makes a green-house effect that leads the increasing of temperature. It makes rising up the sea water as a result of glacier melting in the pole. Flood became inevitable thing again, until submerging field farms that owned by poor farming community. The poorest people will be hit earliest and hardest by climate change, even though they have contributed little to causing the problem.
Time by time fertile lands are increasingly changed into industrial land. The farming community lost farmland, then they do forest fires to their new farmland. Beside of that, they use bad farming methods conducted perfunctory due to lack of attention from the government in the agricultural sector. The impact is the fertility period on the land is very short and after that the land could not be cultivated again. Inevitably, these farmers have to burn more new forests for new farmland.
The economic development leads to environmental degradation .Thus, is important to revolutionized economic development that makes priority to preserve the environment. At least three main solutions to make environmentally friendly of economic sustainable development: 1) Proper resource pricing, 2) Control of industrial waste, 3) Debt-for-nature swaps.
During this time, the existing pricing policy actually squandering the use of scarce natural resources and encourage the industry unsustainable methods. In fact, the government subsidies is enjoyed most by those with the highest earning. For that we need to discriminate the resource price based on their earnings. So that, the government subsidy costs is minimized and can be allocated for environmental improvement.
Controlling of industrial waste has also become another important factor in the green economic development. Governments have an important role in making policy-related restrictions on pollution from industrial sectors. These measures could include the taxing the wastes for handling the environmental damage, limitation the maximum quota of waste that can be disposed, and standardization of waste that can be disposed into the environment. Thus the destruction of the environment due to industrial wastes can be minimized.
Third World Country has an abundance of natural resources and has a green environment that still allows it to be preserved. Unfortunately, these countries have relatively large debts to the country's foreign exchange earnings. Government-owned funds that use for the preservation of the environment it paid for the due debt. Therefore debt-for-nature swaps needs to be implemented namely the purchase of Third World Countries IOUs by private organizations such as the Rainforest Alliance environmentalists based in the United States. IOUs is then exchanged for bonds that have a longer repayment term. So that the costs can be used for the preservation of the environment.
Anyway, economic development ruled out environmental conservation will only damage his own nation, both now even worse in the future. maz


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