Breaking News

Magelang: The City of Flowers

Alfiyan Zubaidi | Muhamad
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ASEAN : One Vission, One Identity, One Community

ASEAN : One Vission, One Identity, One Community Hear about one identity in the most diverse regions in the world makes me to define ...
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Green Foody : Indonesian Food Waste Bank

Green Foody : Indonesian Food Waste Bank "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of ...
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Economic vs Environment

What should take priority, economic or environment development? Sacrifice to the environment due to economic development will lea...
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Indonesian Green Energy: Water, Solar and Wind Energy for Indonesian Better Future

Indonesian Green Energy: Water, Solar and Wind Energy for Indonesian Better Future . Energy has an important role in achievin...
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Singapore, The Biggest ASEAN City

         Singapore is beautiful city with good public services. On March 21 2014, i went to Singapore from Jakarta by Tiger Air. I thin...
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